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Interlligent Offers a Wide Range of Presentations Focusing on RF, Microwave and mmWave Topics

Comprehensive OFDM-MIMO online course -The Rayleigh Channel. Presented by Dr. Doron Ezri.
Application of mmWave technology in HAPS and LEO constellations. Presented by Mike Green (Filtronic).
GaN MMICs for mmWave applications. Presented by Jeremy Fisher (Wolfspeed).
Comprehensive OFDM-MIMO Online course-Introduction- Dr. Doron Ezri.
5G mmWave wireless – recent results from transport applications. Presented by Mark Barrett (Blu Wireless Technology).
Development of GaN based Solid State Power Amplifiers up to 1kW CW. Presented by Avtar Virdee (Microwave Technology Ltd).
RF goes Quantum – how RF engineering is shaping the future of Quantum Computers. Presented by Yonatan Cohen (Quantum Machines).
A highly-integrated CMOS front-end for mmWave 5G Presented by Liam Devlin (Plextek RFI) and Mark Wong (MobiPhive).
Hybrid optical beamforming for electrically steered antennas Presented by Jeremiah Turpin (Isotropic Systems).
Beam steering challenges and advances at mmWave frequencies. Presented by Tudor Williams (CSA Catapult).
Microwave technology for broadband satellite communications. Presented by Ralph Green (Airbus Defence and Space).
Power amplifier MMICs for mmWave 5G. Presented by Liam Devlin (Plextek RFI).
Understanding GaN device trade-offs through advanced load pull simulations. Presented by Dominic FitzPatrick (PoweRFul Microwave).
Packaged mm-wave GaN, GaAs and Si ICs for 5G and automotive radar. Presented by Eric Leclerc (UMS).
Design challenges and considerations in the current climate with 5G and CAV. Presented by Alistair Wingfield (Dassault Systèmes SIMULIA).
mmWave Solutions for 5G Backhaul. Presented by Mike Geen (Head of Engineering at Filtronic Broadband).
Gigabit Baseband Modem Technology for 5G mmWave Applications. Presented by Ray McConnell (CTO, Blu Wireless Technology).
Challenges in mmWave Wireless Channel Measurement and Analysis. Presented by Mir Ghoraishi (University of Surrey).
Mm-wave Components and Technologies for 5G Applications. Presented by Liam Devlin (CEO, Plextek RFI).
A New, Near-0dB PAPR Waveform for mmWave 5G: STORM. Presented by Doron Ezri (CTO Wi-Fi, Huawei-Tel Aviv Research Centre).
5G in mm-Wave Frequencies. Presented by Maziar Nekovee (University of Sussex).
mmWave Measurement Challenges for 5G. Presented by Tim Masson (Application Engineer at Keysight Technologies).
Towards 5G - Where do Millimetre Waves Fit In? Presented by Helen Duncan (Director of MWE Media).
Making RF designs work. Presented by Chris Potter (Cambridge RF).
Designing GaN PA MMICs. Presented by Liam Devlin (Plextek RFI).
Overview of 2nd Interlligent RF & Microwave Seminar 2015, Cambridge UK
Harmonic load pull investigations of high-efficiency GaN power transistors. Presented by Mauro Marchetti of Anteverta (a Maury Microwave company).
Interlligent UK RF and Microwave Design Seminar 2015 - Welcome and Opening Remarks. Presented by Oren Hagai (CEO of Interlligent).
The search for bandwidth – 60GHz communications. Presented by Michael Crowley (Farran Technology).
RFPA design flow: the Great Debate. Presented by Prof. Steve Cripps of the University of Cardiff.
Field-programmable digital and RF technologies driving innovation in wireless networks. Presented by Danny Webster of Lime Microsystems.
Millimetre waves finally fulfilling their promise - key technologies and applications. Presented by Prof Ian Robertson of the University of Leeds.
Liam Devlin M2M Session Introduction, CW TEC 2015. Presented by Liam Devlin, CEO of Plextek RF Integration and Non-Executive Director of Interlligent UK.
GaN PAs for Microwave Line of Sight Link Applications. Presented by Liam Devlin (Plextek RF Integration).
Opening Remarks at Interlligent RF & Microwave Seminar in Cambridge , 2014. Presented by Oren Hagai (CEO of Interlligent).
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