N5182B 9 kHz – 3 or 6 GHz MXG Vector Signal Generator
Key Features and Functions
- 9kHz to 1,3 or 6 GHz
- Output power +24 dBm
- Phase noise (1 GHz; 20 KHz offset): -146 dBc/Hz
- Frequency switching: 800 µs
- Harmonics: -35 dBc
- Internal Baseband Generator RF BW: 160 MHz
Here at Interlligent UK we are pleased to offer Keysight’s N5182B MXG Signal Generator for rent, rent to purchase or direct purchase of a 2nd user unit.
The N5182B Vector Signal Generator has outstanding hardware performance, with unmatched phase noise & spurious characteristics.
Find out more information about the MXG N5182B Signal Generator by using our contact form, by emailing us at: info@interlligent.co.uk, or by calling us on: 03308 280057. We would be more than happy to answer any queries or questions you may have about the Keysight N5182B Signal Generator.
- 9kHz to 1,3 or 6 GHz
- Output power +24 dBm
- Phase noise (1 GHz; 20 KHz offset): -146 dBc/Hz
- Frequency switching: 800 µs
- Harmonics: -35 dBc
- Internal Baseband Generator RF BW: 160 MHz
- IQ modulation BW internal/external: 160 MHz to 200 MHz
- Non-Harmonics @1 GHz: -96 dBc
- Sweep mode: List / step
- Baseband generator mode: Waveform Playback and Real-Time
- Waveform playback memory: 1024 Msa
- Frequency modulation-maximum deviation @1 GHz: 4 MHz
- Frequency modulation-rate @100 kHz deviation: DC to 7 MHz
- Phase modulation-maximum deviation in normal mode: 0.5 rad to 8 rad
- Phase modulation-maximum deviation in high-BW mode: 0.05 rad to 0.8 rad
- Amplitude modulation-maximum depth: 100%
- Amplitude modulation-rate: 0 to 50 kHz
Frequency Range | |
N5182B-503 | Frequency range, 9 kHz to 3 GHz |
N5182B-506 | Frequency range, 9 kHz to 6 GHz |
Performance | |
N5182B-UNZ | Fast switching |
N5182B-UNX | Low phase noise |
N5182B-UNY | Enhanced low phase noise performance |
N5182B-1EA | High output power |
N5182B-1EQ | Low power, < -110 dBm |
N5182B-1ER | Flexible Reference Input (1-50 MHz) |
N5182B-302 | Avionics license |
N5182B-099 | Expanded license key upgradability |
Vector Features | |
N5182B-UNV | Enhanced dynamic range |
N5182B-656 | ARB baseband generator (80 MHz RF bandwidth, 32 Msa) |
N5182B-657 | Upgrade baseband generator from 80 to 160 MHz RF bandwidth |
N5182B-660 | Upgrade baseband generator with real-time capability |
N5182B-1EL | Differential I/Q outputs |
N5182B-022 | Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 512 Msa |
N5182B-023 | Upgrade baseband generator memory from 32 Msa to 1 Gsa |
N5182B-UN7 | Internal bit error rate analyzer |
Connector Configuration | |
N5182B-1EM | Move all connectors to rear panel |
Analog Modulation | |
N5182B-UNT | AM, FM, Phase modulation |
N5182B-320 | Pulse train generator |
N5182B-303 | Multifunction generator |
N5182B-UNW | Narrow pulse modulation |
Additional Features | |
N5182B-006 | Instrument security and removable memory card |
N5182B-012 | LO In/Out for phase coherency |
N5182B-009 | Internal solid state memory |